Regency Setting

Penance for the Dead

September 2, 2023|

In the slow burn tradition of TV's most watchable sleuth duos, Audrey Sinclair, the Duchess of Fournier, and Bow Street officer Hugh Marsden are a Regency Kate Beckett and Richard Castle, and hands-down the most engaging pair I've read in the last few years. Their chemistry infuses every book, keeping readers like me hungrily piling up the breadcrumbs of their intensifying attraction


February 27, 2023|

If Georgette Heyer wrote Gone With the Wind. Alverstone is a slam dunk historical family saga, a vividly filmic Regency ‘Downton Abbey’ that has it all: romance, villainy, humor, and adventure, set against a backdrop of glittering balls, sprawling estates, and the battlefields of the Napoleonic Wars.

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